First Ever Art Edwards Appears Large Video Podcast
Video Podcast 1 - Bret Hartley and Kevin Leahy Interview
Since the release of Branches Breaking from the Weight, I’ve been busy playing solo acoustic shows online and writing new posts for the “About the Song” series—which is now called “Single of the Month.” I love the idea of bucking the notion of having only a single or two for an album. Branches Breaking from the Weight has ten songs, so I’m having a single a month for ten months. The single this month is “Strut.” Summer rock song.
I’ve also managed, with the help of friends, to pull together my first video podcast, Art Edwards Appears Large, and this first one features my interview with my Branches Breaking from the Weight collaborators and friends Bret Hartley and Kevin Leahy. Bret produced the record, and both he and Kevin are songwriters on it. The three of us have much to say about the making of the album, and everything else. Check out this link to watch/listen. Hopefully, it will offer some insight on what it’s like to be in a band and write songs together.
I’m really enjoying the podcast medium. I’ve already recorded the second one, and I’ve got interviews scheduled for numbers three and four. Can I publish a podcast a month? We’ll see, but that’s the goal.
What else? Just a reminder to enjoy the summer, and that you can listen to the whole of Branches Breaking from the Weight—as well as both of my other solo efforts—at Spotify. What song’s number one this month? Take a look.
That’s it for me. Get ready for a new “Single of the Month” later in July, and I’ll play solo acoustic again on August 12th at Bandcamp.
Happy summer, Art