I just wanted to touch base on my new solo album, which comes out today, Friday, 5/6/22. It's called Branches Breaking from the Weight, and it's my third solo effort. You can download it at Bandcamp and iTunes, among other places, and listen to it at Spotify.
This one is a little different from Loving Every Other Minute of It, which came out in 2020. Branches Breaking from the Weight features the songwriting partnership of me, guitarist/producer Bret Hartley, and drummer Kevin Leahy. These two have been the backbone of each of my solo efforts, and now they're equal contributors to the songs. They supplied the musical ideas, I supplied the words, and we went from there. Removing the difficulties of coming up with the music was revelatory for me, as I hope you'll hear in the tunes. Take a listen, and let me know your thoughts.
Also, I’ll be performing live solo acoustic today at Bandcamp at 5 PM PST to celebrate the release of Branches Breaking from the Weight. I’ll play a few of the songs from the album, along with some of your old favorites. Today is Bandcamp’s last scheduled First Friday event, which means 100% of income from all purchases at the site go to the artist. We love captive listeners, but a $10 purchase of the album is your primary way to indicate to us that you value what I do.
Finally, the album is currently only available as a digital download, but a vinyl version is coming. Don’t hold your breath—it might be months before our vinyl manufacturer is able to take on our project—but know that it’s in the plans.
Have a good weekend!
Congratulations Buddy, look forward to giving a listen!